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About Kenai Municipal Airport



Airport Type : Medium Airport

Latitude : 60.57310104

Longitude : -151.24499510

City : Kenai

State : Alaska

Country : United States

Kenai Municipal Airport - Kenai, Alaska (ENA)

Kenai Municipal Airport is located in Kenai IATA Code is ENA. Get detailed information about Kenai Municipal Airport address, contact details, phone number, popular routes, hotels, car rental and nearby airports.

Kenai Municipal Airport contacts: adress, zip code, phone


Adress:  Kenai, Alaska, USA

Web: /

Book flights at Kenai Municipal Airport

We helps you to find the best flight deals from/to Kenai Municipal Airport. Get all information about which airline is flying from/to Kenai Municipal Airport. You can also make the booking at Kenai Municipal Airport counter.

Check-in Kenai Municipal Airport

Online check-in option is available at Kenai Municipal Airport or you do instant check-in at Kenai Municipal Airport airlines counter. The Kiosk machine is also available at Kenai Municipal Airport.

Baggage Allowance

If you are traveling with oversize baggage, then you can pay at the Kenai Municipal Airport airlines counter or you call airline customer care for add baggage with your ticket.

Seat selection

When you are flying from or to the Kenai Municipal Airport, you can choose the window seat to catch the beautiful Kenai view. The airline may charge a small fee or allow you to pre-select the seat. This seat selection availed during web check-in at Kenai Municipal Airport. You may ask the airline desk to select a window seat, but airline can do when window seats are available.

Hotels near Kenai Municipal Airport

If travelers are looking for a comfortable say near Kenai Municipal Airport, there is a very continent option just 0.37 miles away.Kenai Municipal Airport Hotel is a 3-star and 5-star hotel, it provides good service. Other hotels near Kenai Municipal Airport are further away, somewhere at a distance of 4-6 miles from the airport.

Many hotel options available near to Kenai Municipal Airport. These Kenai Municipal Airport hotels are great service. these hotels with a kitchen with an oven and microwave, garden, a shared bathroom, patio, swimming pool and free Wi-Fi.

a 3 star Kenai Municipal Airport hotel, provides hotel rooms starting at a decent price. travelers looking to stay somewhere more luxurious can consider Luxury Suites, 3-5 star airport hotel Kenai Municipal Airport.

Kenai Municipal Airport Car Rental

Renting car from the Kenai Municipal Airport is a very easy task, and car rent service caters to various budgets. Companies that provides car rental services include Alamo, Enterprise, National, Dollar, SIXT, Thrifty, Hertz and Budget. Travelers can rent a standard car for $16-30 per day and a minivan for $50-$500 per day. You can avail this service from around 6 car rental companies at Kenai Municipal Airport. The cars available are for 2 passengers and also for a group of 5 passengers alongside their luggage.

Outside of Kenai Municipal Airport, there are other companies that provide car rental service. These are as follows:

Travellers can rent luxury cars for $30 per day from A-1 Rent A car and Alamo car rental Kenai Municipal Airport.

Dollar rent a car offers around $10 discounts at Kenai Municipal Airport.

Registration counters for Enterprise rent a car Kenai Municipal Airport can be accessed at Baggage claim itself. On the ground level, of the second terminal parking garage, travellers can find the rental car Kenai Municipal Airport office. On the off chance that the traveller is unhappy with the service, Kenai Municipal Airport rental car return is there as well.

Car rentals Kenai Municipal Airport shuttles stop in zones along the Center median. This is on the ground level, can be found outside the zone for baggage claim.

Parking at Kenai Municipal Airport

If you came to the Kenai Municipal Airport(ENA) by your own car, you can use the parking facilities located near the airport terminals. Parking is viewed by video surveillance and video recording systems.

Who flies to Kenai Municipal Airport

Kenai Municipal Airport Airlines


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